Friday, February 13, 2009

Arno Bojak Exhibition Information Greetings from Metamorphosika @ KOMET BERLIN Galerie

Arno Bojak (アルノ・ボヤク)
1974年ドイツ (Deutschland、Germany、ドイチュラント) のノルトライン=ヴェストファーレン州 (Land Nordrhein-Westfalen) にある工業都市ヴッパータール (Wuppertal) 生まれのアーティスト。現在はベルリン (Berlin) 在住。

KOMET BERLIN Galerie から Arno Bojak というアーティストの個展の案内が届いていたので紹介しておこう。2009年2月20日の午後7時から10時にかけてオープニングが開催され、一般公開は翌日から2009年3月28日までとなっている。

"Greetings from Metamorphosika"
February 20 - March 28, 2009

We cordially invite you to the opening of ARNO BOJAK's solo show "Greetings from Metamorphosika" at KOMET BERLIN Galerie. The opening will be taking place on Friday, February 20th, 2009 from 7-10 pm. The artist will be present.

In addition to new work in acrylic paint, the 15 works resulting from the short film series "Welcome to the Paint", a collaboration of the documentarians "Böller & Brot" with Bojak, will be shown.

Landscape without Antonius

Metamorphosika is a scenic island. Discovered by Darwin and named after Ovid, it hosts a tropical idyll of an uncanny diversity of species and varieties. Nowhere else can such unusual constellations, connations, and mixtures be found. Such vegetation and perverted animal kingdoms can develop only as a result of the island's totally isolated geographical position.

The painter made it his task (like his predecessor, Gauguin) to capture this unique tropical island on canvas. Bojak pays particular attention to the animals, which appear repeatedly in dance-like states of extension and elongation. Still, it is left to the viewer to decide whether the movements in these studies belong to the graceful motions of ballroom dancing or are violent struggles for survival.

To create his wall-filling formats, Bojak works with different techniques: paint in both watercolor and gouache styles, drawings against intricate paintwork, bright colors alongside pastels. The sensitivity of the creatures and their world nearly carries over to the viewer physically. Everything seems to be moving, dazzling the eye with flickering attacks of color and expressive compositional techniques.

Out of the painter's Neukölln studio emerge landscapes situated between reproduction and archetype as never seen before.

Greetings from Metamorphosika!

Denise Jänig & Sonja Ostermann

Denise Jänig/Sonja Ostermann
Brunnenstr. 165 D-10119 Berlin
T: +49 (0)30 4432 4177
F: +49 (0)30 4432 4178
Opening Hours
Tuesday - Saturday | 12-6 pm

ポストした2枚目が今回の個展の告知用の画像で、1枚目と3枚目から5枚目がこれまでに制作された作品。制作された年とタイトルは次の通り。1枚目と3枚目は2006年の作品で"Beim Oktologen (at the octologist)"、"Der Gigant (giant)" というタイトル。4枚目、5枚目は2007年制作の作品。タイトルは "Dr. Frank'N'Stein"、"Daphne"。1枚目って、女いねぇじゃんという気もしなくもないんだけど、気に入ったので、オレンジのパンツを穿いてる人物を女ということにした。

1994 - 2000 studies of painting, Kunstakademie Dusseldorf - by Prof. Markus Luepertz and Prof. Dieter Krieg
1999 Meisterschueler, Kunstakademie Dusseldorf - by Prof. Dieter Krieg
2000 academician certificate


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