1980年ポーランドの Lodz 生まれ。
fine art など。
PIXELSURGEON のインタビュ記事から、質問とそれに対する Pawel Fabjanski の答えを引用。
How would you describe your photographic style?
Urban! Everything what I shoot is somehow related with the city. Even when I do portraits, like those in the Party People series, there is a lot of urban inspiration inside. Maybe you can't see the city in the background of those pictures, but at least the aesthetic which I have chosen is tightly linked with urban sport photography. Back in the days when I was doing a lot of skateboarding photos I'd use a fisheye lens and that fascination with wide angle shots is still somewhere inside me. I would also say that my style is semi-documentary. I don�t do reportage photos, but I always try to use real scenery or locations and I hate to use studio.
PAWEL FABJANSKI PHOTOGRAPHIC PORTFOLIO (paweł, fabjański, fabjan, fotografie, photography, poland, polish, fashion, advertisement, advetising, ad, ads, photographer, photos, photo, fotografia, reklamowa, reklama, moda)
PIXELSURGEON | Interviews | Photography | Pawel Fabjanski